RECIPE: Mozzarella + Pepperoni Breadroll


I’m really happy how this experiment turned out and I was lucky that I was able to document the process. My brother was suddenly looking for merienda, so I decided to check the pantry and fridge. I found some pre-sliced mozzarella sticks wrapped in pepperoni, just waiting to be wrapped with rice paper or bread. I wanted to use lumpia wrappers but we didn’t have some, so I settled for white bread.

Here’s everything I prepared to make these cheesy bites:

  • 8 pre-sliced mozzarella sticks wrapped in pepperoni (I got mine in the cold cuts section of the grocery, you can improvise and prepare the two ingredients separately)
  • 8 loaves of bread
  • bread crumbs
  • 2 eggs
  • cooking oil
  • toothpicks

1. Flatten your bread using a roller pin. You can use a clean jar if you don’t have one.


2. Place your fillings on top of the bread.


3. Roll the bread, covering the stick and secure with a toothpick.



4. Prepare the egg wash and bread crumbs. First, dip the bread into the egg wash, making sure every side is covered. Next, coat with bread crumbs and set aside. Before doing this, you can also prepare your oil and frying pan.



5. Drop the rolls in hot oil and fry until golden brown. You can use a deep fryer, a wok or a regular frying pan. I used a wok because the shape provides a lot of space and allows a little bit of deep frying with less oil, versus a regular frying pan.

If you know me personally, you would note that I NEVER liked frying or dealing with the kitchen stove. It was serious, to the point where I baked my hot dogs instead of frying them. Migrant life, however, forced me to do things I thought I would never do. I came in the US three months earlier than my Mom and I glad I did because now, I can share the authority in the kitchen.


6. Remove toothpicks. Allow them to cool before slicing in smaller pieces. Serve with refreshments and enjoy!



Let me know if you’ve tried making these! 🙂

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